Dance Canvas Parties
Come​ and celebrate your special occasion with us!
Whether it’s a birthday, play date, bachelorette party or just some dancing fun before you hit the town, we’ll make it an event to remember!

Kids' Parties
Dance Canvas Kids’ Parties are a fun one-and-a-half hour dance party with funky music, exciting dance-themed games and an experienced instructor. The kids will have a great time while learning an awesome routine to perform for the parents at the end of the party. You can bring your own food and we'll provide everything else. Give us a theme, the birthday girl/boy’s favorite song and we’ll do the rest! You bring the kids and we bring the fun!
One-and-a-half hour party (up to 16 children) $185
Additional cost for extra guests over 16 (max. 22) is:
$4.00 per child
Sample Schedule
45 mins: Dance instruction & games
15 mins: Meal time! Pizza, cake, snacks & juice (or whatever you bring)
20 mins: More dance fun!
10 mins: Performance for parents!
Adult Parties
Dance Canvas Adult Parties are a great night out – whether it’s a birthday, HipHop Couples night, Sassy Bachelorette Party, your own themed party or just some pre-dance fun before you hit the town! Tell us your favorite song and we’ll teach you a fun, feisty and easy-to-learn routine.
One hour party (up to 16 people):
One-and-a-half hour party (up to 16 people):
Two hour party (up to 16 people):
Additional cost for extra dancers over 16 (max. 25) is:
$5.00 per person
To book your party, or for more information, give us a call on 417-300-2093 or send us an e-mail at whitney@dancecanvas.org!
Dance Classes for Kids & Teens
in Springfield, Missouri